Platinum #328+329: The Mooseman (EU & NA)

Hey there!

A very boring side-scrolling adventure.

What is the game all about?
The Mooseman is a side-scrolling adventure that takes place in the ancient myth. All you do in this game is walking from left to right and solve some mediocre puzzles. Solving these puzzles will allow you to progress or will unlock one of the many collectibles of the game. Most of the time, these puzzles follow the same pattern. Put on / off your mask to make things appear or to be able to walk over objects.
After each level, more of the story will be explained by a narrator.
I haven’t found the game entertaining at all. The story as well as the gameplay is mediocre. The graphical style is okay, but sometimes the game is too dark.

What about trophies?
Most of the games trophies are story-related, but also has trophies tied to collectibles. Nothing can be missed in this game, as it offers chapter select.
In case you don’t want to search all 52 collectibles on your own or want to get this game done as fast as possible, follow this video walkthrough by IBadDriverI. With this, you’ll be able to unlock the Platinum Trophy in 1-2 hours.

Where can I get this game?
The Moosem can be found in the EU & NA PSN store. Each version has its own stack.
If you need PSN cards, you can buy them here. There you get digital codes, which will be send to you via e-mail within minutes.

As a trophy hunter, should I get this game?
A very quick, easy and cheap game, but also very boring. Buy it at your own risk.

Hard Facts:
1P, 9G, 4S, 2B
Trophy Stacks
2 (EU & NA)
Time to Platinum
1-2 hours (with guide)
Number of Playthroughs
Fun Factor


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