Platinum #300: Bloodborne

Hey there!

Finally, it’s done. After over 3 years I could unlock the Platinum Trophy in Bloodborne. This was my most emotional Platinum Trophy and I had to make it my #300 as well as my 10,000th trophy. But let me tell you the complete story from the beginning.

Blood Gem Contact
After a few years of achievement hunting on XBOX360, and another few years of nearly no gaming at all, I decided to buy a PS4 as I wanted to play the upcoming The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Thus, I was looking for a cheap bundle and stumbled over a PS4 bundled with 2 controllers, the camera and Bloodborne. The game looked appealing to me but I had no idea what I was up to. As already mentioned, I haven’t been into gaming for a while. Later on, I learned that this game is part of the Souls-series which is known for its hard difficulty.

So, I came home, hooked up the PS4 and started the game. I was really impressed by the graphics and was up for some fun. The first enemy I encountered was a werewolf. I thought this might be an easy kill, as it is the first enemy in the game. Man, was I wrong! I died immediately and I can remember that I was thinking: “What the fuck? I died on the first enemy? This can’t be!”. I died and warped into Hunter’s Dream where I got my first weapon. So, I thought it might have been scripted. You must die to get your weapon and from now on, it will be easier. I was so wrong again.

I spend the next few hours in the first area of the game, in which I died over and over again. I made no real process and got very annoyed of the game. Surprisingly, I was able to defeat an enemy which dropped a blood gem, which unlocked the trophy “Blood Gem Contact”. This happened on 2015/05/13. But as I wasn’t into trophy hunting at all, I gave a shit about this trophy.

The next few days, I tried the game a few more times, but couldn’t get the hang of it. The more I played it, the more I got annoyed by it. So, I focus on other games like Driveclub and The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited.

A few weeks later, I decided to give the game one more chance. This time, I was prepared as I have read some guides on the internet. I was able to make some progress and eventually, I was also able to beat Cleric Beast, the first optional boss in the game. Due to this, I unlocked the trophy “Cleric Beast”, my interest in this game was rising, and so I thought: “Maybe I can unlock a few more trophies in this game.”. I was wrong for the third time.

During this time a lot of things were going on in real life. I got a girlfriend, became godfather, and I moved into my new home. All of this kept me so busy, I hardly found time to play any games and I lost my interest in Bloodbornetotally. Thus, I decided to sell the game. Since then, the game was sitting at 2% and ruining my completion rate.

Free for PlayStation Plus Members
Beginning of 2016, I found more and more time to play games. The more games I played, the more I got into trophy hunting. I started to play my incompleted games again to increase my completion rate. Over the time, Bloodbornereally became a thorn in my eye. It was sitting there at 2%, ruining my completion rate, and over the next years I started to hate this game. I even wished I had never started this game because I knew, if I want to increase my completion rate, I must get back to this game at some time. And I absolutely didn’t want to do this, as I totally suck in this game.

So, time was flying by and I found one excuse after the other to not come back to this game. Then, in March (2018) the game became free for PS Plus Members. Now I had no more excuse. I downloaded the game and started playing the game in April.

Platinum Speed Run Guide
The first thing I did was deleting my save from 2015, starting from scratch and following the absolutely brilliant video walkthrough by Optinoob. With this, I was able to breeze through the game without much trouble. After only a few hours, I already made more progress than ever. My initial plan was to unlock enough trophies to raise the game from my lousy E rank to an A rank on

The next few days I was beating boss after boss, and was unlocking trophy after trophy. I soon realized that I will be able to complete the game without much troubles. To my surprise, I also started to enjoy the game. This was the time where I decided to make Bloodborne my Platinum #300 and my 10,000thtrophy in total. Okay, this slowed down my general trophy hunting progress but it was worth it.

So, I was following the guide until part 15 over the next weeks. At this time, I already unlocked one ending and everything was set for the Chalice Dungeons. But before this, I wanted to get rid of The Old Hunters DLC.

The Old Hunters DLC
From what I heard I knew that this DLC is much harder than the base game. Luckily, I was already overleveled. So, I haven’t had too much issues with it. Additionally, I was using the text walkthrough from, which was also a great help. This DLC was done in a few hours and the only time I was struggling was when fighting The Orphan of Kos, the last boss. After a lot of tries, and a bit of luck, I was eventually able to beat it.

Chalice Dungeons
Okay, the DLC has been done. So, it was time to start with the Chalice Dungeons. For this, I was using above mentioned video walkthrough again.

With this guide, these dungeons haven’t been much of a trouble. The only boss I was really struggling was Amygdala in the Cursed and Defiled Chalice Dungeon. I spend more time on this boss then on all other bosses together. On one day, after hours and hours of trying, I finally made it. I made my back-up save on the cloud and on my USB drive and was done for today. On the next day, I came back and wanted to finish the rest of the Chalice Dungeons. But guess what, my save was gone! After loading the game, I started right in front of Amygdala. I checked my back-up saves and they were all the same. I was so frustrated, because I didn’t want to fight this boss again. I was trying the whole day but couldn’t beat Amygdala. You can’t imagine how frustrated I was.

I read some strategies on the internet and there was mentioned that, with a fully maxed out Simon’s Bow Blade, Amygdala can be take down easily. I had enough Blood Echoes and resources to buy and upgrade this weapon. So, I gave it a try. It soon turned out that weapon is completely bullshit and I found the boss even harder than before. I decided to download my back-up save from the cloud, because I didn’t to continue with my resources wasted on a useless weapon. And now, something really strange happened. I loaded the save and started in Hunter’s Dream. At first, I didn’t know what was going on, but I soon realized that this was my lost save after beating Amygdala. Until know, I don’t what happened with my save and why it mysteriously showed up again. To be honest, I don’t even care. I was just happy that I didn’t have to beat Amygdala once again.

I haven’t had any issues with the two remaining dungeons. Most of the bosses I did on first try. Even Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen wasn’t an issue. With the help of an old hunter, she was done within a few minutes.

After all this, the only thing left to do was beating Moon Presence.

Moon Presence
Before beating the final boss, and unlocking the Platinum Trophy, I had to complete a few other games first. As already mentioned, I planned this Platinum Trophy being two milestones.

After unlocking enough trophies, it was time to beat Moon Presence. I started the game for the last time, went to Moon Presence and beat it on first try. After 3 years, 1 month and 2 days I was finally done with Bloodborne. I was jumping around like crazy in front of my TV when the Platinum Trophy unlocked! I was (and still am) so happy that I never ever must play this game again!

So, here it is. I proudly present my 300th Platinum Trophy and my 10,000th trophy in total:

Woah, this was a long blog, but I think this game deserved it. I hope you enjoyed reading.


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