Platinum #230+231: 36 Minecraft: Story Mode (PS3 & PS4)

Hey there!

I don’t like Minecraft but since this is a Telltale game, it was clear that I’ll play it at some day.

What is the game all about?
In Minecraft Story Mode, you take control over Jesse, which can be male or female. You can choose the gender at the beginning of the game, which is a huge difference to all the other Telltale games.
You and your friends visit the EnderCon to meet your hero Gabriel, one of the legendary members from the Order of the Stone. Soon you realize that something is wrong and your own big adventure in the world of Minecraft will start.
If you’re a fan of Minecraft, you’ll for sure have your fun as there are a lot of references and easter-eggs within the game. If you’ve never played Minecraft before, no problem. The game offers a unique story and everything is explained in detail.

What about trophies?
The trophies in Minecraft: Story Modediffer a little bit from the other Telltale games. Most of the trophies are still-story related but episode 1 and 3 also have a missable trophy. Furthermore, there’s are 2 decision based trophies in episode 2. To unlock them both you need to replay from episode 1 chapter until episode 2 chapter 3. If you want to know more about these trophies, check out this guide at
It also should be mentioned that there’s a little bit more to do then just watching the game play itself. Compared to other Telltale games it’s more like The Walking Dead, in which you also must walk around and do a lot of things by yourself. Nevertheless, you can still play the PS3 and PS4 version simultaneously.

Where can I get this game?
Minecraft: Story Mode can be found in every PSN store as well in some retail stores. I’d recommend to buy the digital version as it is on sale frequently. Make sure to buy the adventure pass to be able to play episodes 6-8 as well.
There’s also a bundle available for PS4 in the PSN store, which includes Minecraft: Story Mode and Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2. If you buy this bundle once it is on sale, you can get both games for a very good price.
If you need PSN cards, you can buy them here. There you get digital codes, which will be send to you via e-mail within minutes.

As a trophy hunter, should I get this game?
Yes. Even though there is more to do than in other Telltalegames, it’s still easy and you can play both versions simultaneously.

Hard Facts:
System(s):                          PS3, PS4
Trophies:                            1P, 8G, 19S, 23B
Points:                                1815
Trophy Stacks:                   2 (PS3 & PS4)
Difficulty:                            2/10
Time to Platinum:              ~12 hours
Number of Playthroughs:   1
Fun Factor:                        5/10


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