PlayStation4 (PS4) CounterSpy Game Review Complete

Release Date: Out Now

Genre: Action

Publisher: SCEA

Developer: Dynamighty

Summary: Synthesizing the spy mythology and unique aesthetics of the 50's and 60's and set during the Cold War, CounterSpy highlights the rogue third spy agency, C.O.U.N.T.E.R., which keeps the globe's superpowers at bay. As each side of the ongoing conflict nears the unleashing of a blow of earthshaking proportions, C.O.U.N.T.E.R. takes action, furtively subverting their plans and maintaining world peace with subterfuge.

Destruction - Unfortunately, having to go back to maps over and over again, especially when things ramped up in difficulty near the end, exposed CounterSpy's frustratingly inconsistent AI. I was puzzled as to why sometimes enemies spotted me and other times they didn't, especially when I was basically doing the same moves over and over again. There was no predictability to the experience, which caused its fair share of annoyances. This is an issue for a stealth game.

What's most frustrating about these AI problems is that it conflicts with an otherwise brilliant mechanic in CounterSpy, which revolves around its DEFCON meter. This meter, which ranges from one to five, is affixed to the individual sides, and goes up or down depending on how stealthily and successfully you've worked your way through previous stages. I absolutely adored this idea, because it gave weight and consequence to how you did previously, and it could make or break how you'd be doing in the present. But with so much of it contingent on occasionally finicky controls and inconsistent AI, keeping your DEFCON counter in check required more patience than skill. And that bummed me out.

CounterSpy is a strange beast. Developed by fledgling studio Dynamighty, it's an ambitious game that strives to bridge the gap between 2D and 3D stealth, while also attempting to juggle randomly generated levels. And while it plays host to some truly unique mechanics, and consistently brilliant presentation, it's unfortunately largely unsuccessful in this goal.
The title features a fairly rudimentary story: you work as a super-secret spy in an agency whose goal is to stop Russia and the USA from bringing about the devastating destruction of the entire world. In a crafty bit of social commentary, the game posits that the two countries have such similar plans for world domination that it doesn’t really matter which you infiltrate. Thus, you can always choose between taking a mission in Europe or North America. The differences between the two types of stages are largely cosmetic, but it does give you control over which rewards you collect in exchange for your daring deeds.

In terms of gameplay, the indie is, as previously mentioned, surprisingly ambitious. In many ways, it feels like the developer has attempted to take the stealth of the original Metal Gear Solid and flatten it onto a 2D plane. The levels themselves are randomly generated, and initially seem quite simple. However, when you take cover you’re instantly switched back to a more traditional third person perspective, which is used to line up and take shots. These clever perspective shifts give the levels a sense of depth, both in terms of gameplay and visuals.
Sneaking is obviously the name of the game here, with countless alarms and guards littering the title's many hallways. If you happen to trip one of these alarms, or fail to take out your attackers in a speedy fashion, a gauge will fill up, which, if ignored, has the potential to increase the defcon level. If either of the two spurring superpowers hits maximum defcon, it will immediately bring about a never-ending nuclear winter. Needless to say, you’ll get a game over when this happens. This structure creates a palpable atmosphere of tension, which only grows as the two giants inevitably creep closer and closer to certain doom.

However, the key to a good stealth game is the inclusion of a wealth of strategic options, and in Dynamighty’s first effort, there just aren’t enough. While several unlockable weapons and upgrades are available, encounters still often play in out in very similar ways. You’ll wander into a large room filled with around ten goons, find a convenient vantage point, and then attempt to take them out one by one. Oftentimes, you’ll fail, and then be forced to engage the enemy in a frustratingly dull firefight.

What’s more, the lack of clear signposting of what awaits you on the other side of an unopened door means that you’ll often innocently walk into a new room, only to be immediately spotted by a nearby guard, and then forced to mow your way through the remaining enemies. This can be especially maddening if you’ve made the misguided attempt at a totally stealthy playthrough, as you’ll soon realise that you’ve quite literally bought a dart gun to a bazooka fight.
To the game’s credit, when these systems work, they really do work. Quickly diving between cover and then popping out to fire off a few stealthy shots can be an incredibly gratifying experience. Sadly, the clunky moments far outweigh the rewarding ones. It’s a shame, as this fast-paced action clearly has the potential to make you feel like a suave and sophisticated superspy, but instead it makes you feel like a clumsy klutz.

Still, to say that the game is dripping with atmosphere would be a gross understatement. Rather, it is so utterly drenched in atmosphere that your platform of choice will likely buckle under the weight of its magnificent mood, and simply explode into a giant ball of cigars and shag carpets. We’re obviously being a touch hyperbolic, but the stealth-‘em-up really does have a smashing sense of style. It’s clear that every effort has been made to fully realise the potential of the 60s superspy theme; from bold and brassy jazz bands to a very subtle touch of film grain, the whole thing feels exactly like a James Bond movie – just not a very good one.

The Verdict - CounterSpy is a good game with its heart in the right place. Its Cold War premise is brilliant, its art is beautiful, and its music is lovely. When it comes to gameplay, the stealth action sputters a bit in its inconsistent AI and inaccurate aiming, but it still delivers a fun experience.

Cross-buy and cross-save between PS4, PS3, and Vita is a great bonus, but it's worth noting that the Vita version’s load times are noticeably long, and the framerate on the handheld can be less than desirable.

Salam Gamer MANIAK  

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